Portfolio or Investment Director or Managers if you can answer yes to any of these questions, call us before it is too late
Are you concerned about the value of your investment? Are you concerned about how you might achieve an exit from this investment’ ?
Do you struggle to obtain regular and accurate management information regarding the company’s performance?
Have you been approached to inject more money into the company, but are unsure of the correct path forward?
Do you struggle to get a sense of a clear, joined up plan and strategy from the management team?
Is your relationship and communication with the company’s management deteriorating?
Are you questioning the wisdom of your original investment decision?
Are you coming under pressure from your management or investors to explain the latest position and strategy of a specific company investment?
Not all businesses run to the business plan upon which the original investment decision was made. Also, a portfolio manager may not have been involved in the original investigation and business case. Charged with managing the acquisition, normally sitting on the board as a non-executive shareholder representative and guiding it to a successful exit, the portfolio manager is in the position of any shareholder in that ultimately success or failure of the business is his or her responsibility.
Operational management is delegated to a management team that may also be minority or even majority shareholders. As a board member these become trusted colleagues and business friends, so if performance begins to miss targets, pressure is put upon the portfolio manager to act. This may be for a second opinion, hands-on support, or short-term replacement of team members. We have the experience to give conflict advice and to provide short-term management support through our own team, or interim management support through our InterimConnect subsidiary.
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Notes, insights and reflections from Matthew, one of our directors and turnaround experts, as he works with companies during Lockdown.