Carillion’s demise puts the Big Four in the spotlight again
Yesterday, a feisty joint meeting of the Work & Pensions Committee and the Business Committee saw MPs training their crosshairs on the Big Four accounting firms. Frank Field, the chair of the Work and Pensions committee, went so far as to call for, “an end to the oligopoly that exists between accounting firms” and said […]
The RBS GRG saga rolls on!
What is it with RBS that they are so keen to hide in the GRG saga which unscrupulously damaged so many viable businesses? Today the Times reports that The Financial Conduct Authority continues to resist calls from MP’s and affected business owners to disclose the full results into its review of the scandal-hit Global Restructuring […]
Conflicts of Interest (cont)
Following on from the last blog post, Fiona Woolf has now resigned. The perceived conflict led to victims groups saying they had no confidence in the enquiry and at that point her position became untenable. All a bit predictable and just goes to prove that it is the perception of a conflict that destroys trust […]